Building organisational values

Organisational values are the building blocks of any organisational culture. Through the BOOM model, LQ has co-created the organisational values system in numerous companies.    

    The co-creation methodology has so far demonstrated to be a highly successful model for the implementation of organisational values. This means the following:
    • The values are discovered and defined through workshops in which the participants include a group that represents the entire organisation 
    • Based on the predefined facilitation model, the participants in the workshop exchange and adjust their values, so that all teams and all people in the organisation participate and have “a say”  
    • Through the LQ/AKD model "društvene igre",
    • values are communicated, thus becoming the building blocks of an organisation’s culture  
    The implementation of values through cooperation with LQ can be an inspirational, fun, and efficient method of impact on the organisational culture.

Implamentacija vrijednosti kroz suradnju s LQ može biti inspirativan, zabavan i učinkovit način utjecaja na organizacijsku kulturu.

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