Psychological profiling

 According to conducted research, due to faulty recruitment a company may suffer a 150% loss in annual salary of the person concerned. 

Thirty years of experience in providing support to companies to significantly reduce theirs expenses and increase their productivity by recruiting the right people, talent development, and evaluating leader potential, has established the Hogan test as one of the leading personality assessment tools. 



You desire fast, reliable, and relevant information about the strengths and weaknesses of potential employees that you can easily compare? You are recruiting and/or thinking about the development of your employees? You wish to precisely define development requirements and areas of development of your employees (coaching, training, etc.) with a guaranteed return on investment?


PROCESS (steps):

1. Define the candidates and/or employees you wish to assess   

2. Order online tests (filling out takes 45 minutes, and each candidate can fill it out when it suits them)

3. Arrange the time for interpretation of the report results

4. Find out about our recommendations  

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